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Welcome to Therapy

Areas I Specialize In

  • Complex childhood issues:  exposure to domestic violence, various types of abuse from any type of authority figure, abandonment, lack of nurturing, substance use, abandonment, shame and guilt

  • Substance use disorders from a trauma-focused perspective (individuals who struggle and families of loved ones)

  • Women's issues:  self-worth, purpose, infidelity, marital, relational

  • Betrayal in relationships (violations of relational trust): infidelity, emotional, financial, disloyalty, harmful disclosure of confidential information, false accusations, corporate/employement

  • Obesity, food issues/use & abuse and body image (click here for my whole person approach to healing)

  • Christian issues: including, legalism, guilt & shame, crisis of faith, spiritual abuse, church hurt & disappointment, spiritual loneliness & feeling distant from God

  • Relationship issues: codependency, boundaries, communication, abuse, toxic relationship patterns

  • Life transition issues: divorce, separation, sudden onset illness, death of loved one, empty nest, geographical change, career change, aging, retirement

  • Attachment & bonding issues


My Style

  • I work hard on creating safety for you.

  • I am salutogenic: I believe we all have the innate ability to heal, I focus on good health & wellness, I stay away from a disease-based perspective (pathogenic).  We are not a diagnosis rather we all have the wisdom inside of us and the capacity to heal and be well in the face of adversity & stress

  • I am whole-person; evaluating and creating space to heal our spiritual, physical, emotional, relational and psychological self.  If you are interested in learning a more comprehensive Whole-Person treatment approach that incorporates nutrition and resistance based exercise click HERE

  • I am client centered (I listen & follow your lead and we work together)

  • I educate & teach and we practice skills and strategies for your specific issue.

  • I am solution focused & problem solver (I will not waste your time)

  • When working with severe fear and childhood trauma, I stay in the present & future; we will go back to resolve traumic memories only when your body tells you it is ready and you have the capacity to be in the present and have hope for the future.


Read This if you have never had counseling!


The question I often get when a new client walks into my office is this, "Am I crazy? Is this normal? Do other people experience this?"  Probably one of the most rewarding aspects of my job is to help you understand this - no, you are not crazy and yes most people experience what you are experiencing.  


Something typically forces us into therapy.  An event, something hanging on to us from our past, behaviors we cannot stop, relationships, our health, our job.  Sometimes it's our family or loved ones that "force" us with an ultimatum "GET HELP OR ELSE...!"  Often times we have tried all other options on our own and the symptoms remain.  We come to a fork in the road to make the decision to invite a stranger into our pain.  My role is to assess, guide and support you by creating enough safety to allow the more vulnerable parts of yourself to be seen, heard and healed.  I'm excited to get to know you.  Please read through my experience page HERE to learn more about me.  â€‹â€‹


If you want to get to know me better, drop me an email HERE to schedule a 15 minute telehealth consultation at no cost.

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